Medical Maelstrom, three Cornish doctors, Michele Sharkey, Sam Freegard and Anthony Seddon, who are renowned throughout Cornwall for their unique genre of music, singing and comedy, entertained the Friends to a tincture of laughter and song.  The event took place in the Old Cathedral School Assembly Hall and was a huge success and all present would like a repeat prescription!


On the evening of 21st June, the Friends held a Summer Solstice Party in the Chapter House Restaurant.  The event was organised by Roberta Evans and those attending enjoyed entertainment provided by Keith Sparrow and the Choral Scholars.  Marilyn and her team provided a hearty supper.


On Thursday 6th June, a group of 13 Friends visited Wesley Cottage at Trewint where we were given an interesting talk on its history and association with John Wesley.  The photographs show the group outside the cottage and in the prayer garden opposite.

We then travelled to the village of Altarnun where we had a delicious lunch in the church hall followed by a visit to the Church where we were given a informative talk on its history and furnishings.  The photograph shows the group inside the church.

Our final visit was to Blisland Church where again we received a most interesting talk on the beautiful interior and the photographs speak for themselves.