Membership starts at just £20 a year for an individual member. You’ll find further information about joint, life and other memberships within our membership leaflet.
The benefits
As well as contributing towards the upkeep and development of the Cathedral, as a Friend you will:
Have the opportunity to participate in a varied annual programme of events, including inspiring talks from guest speakers, and visits to places of interest.
Be sent the Friends’ Annual Report, Autumn Newsletter and full details of future events, as well as regular e-newsletter updates from Truro Cathedral.
Enjoy belonging to an active community of like-minded people, and make new friends.
Where your membership fee goes
Tens of thousands of people visit Truro Cathedral each year to worship, celebrate its history and marvel at its beauty. Your support will go directly towards the maintenance of the building and help to fund new development projects.
The Friends have generously supported many projects over the years, including new robes for choristers and vergers, cushions for the north choir aisle, restoration and repairs to a processional cross and a Bishop’s crozier and the renovation of the cockerel on top of the Cathedral’s Victoria Tower.
In 2018, the Friends financed the refurbishment of the Cathedral toilets.
How to sign up
Please complete the online form by clicking the button below. It takes you to an offsite portal (JotForm) which allows you to digitally complete the form, and print out a copy ready to send to us.
Hard copies are available at the Cathedral or on request from the Membership Secretary, email:
Useful Links
© 2025 Friends of Truro Cathedral. All rights reserved. View our Privacy Policy.
Pages on our site
Latest News
- Friends of Truro Cathedral Constitution17/03/2025 - 10:00 am
- Festival Day Lunch Booking Form30/04/2024 - 11:16 am
- 2024 Friends’ Annual Report & Treasurer’s Report27/04/2024 - 5:15 pm